Originally Posted by duncangweller
I use the same technique in my sump. Who cares if its not beautiful, like Brad said, if it does the job and doesn't cost a fortune then its a success in my eyes. I'll spend the extra money on fish and Coral.
Tank looks great.
Thanks lol I am aiming for a beautiful display and a functional sump that is easy to work in

I am so glad I went with a 36 inch high stand.
A week in and the skimmers needle wheel sperated from the shaft so I will be needing a new one. And I have found out that I will need to change out my ato pump. In the new setup the compact 300 is pumping water to fast and keeps adding to much water and setting off the alarm. Found that one out around 5am

I picked up a aqualifter while in the city this weekend and i will install that hopefully after work today. Lol and maybe get to those shims as you have mentioned Brad.