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Old 01-04-2016, 01:55 AM
Fin2you Fin2you is offline
Join Date: Jan 2016
Location: Airdrie, AB
Posts: 81
Fin2you is on a distinguished road

Feeding & Suppliments:
* OMEGA 1 Marine Flakes, freeze dried Brine shrimp. 1/8-1/4 tsp each once a day.
* OMEGA 1 frozen Super Carnivore (Not a favorite with the goby & clowns) & Reef Complete cubes. Inject right to Feather Duster & Anemone using a turkey baster some people make jumbo chop sticks too
* Reef Complete x2/wk 1cap Think I will do 1/2 a cap every day. Easier than trying to remember when I did this last!
* Kent Invert Liquid every other day 30drops recommended but think I will cut in 1/2 & feed every day.

Awesome Tips:
* Fluval filter sponge ring to go over powerhead circulation pump intake. Prevents fish from being sucked in.
* 1.5-1.75c salt=5gal salt water
* Gently scrub the rocks periodically with a new nylon bristle brush or toothbrush to remove loose white film or dead material.
* Submerse the new rock into a bucket filled with saltwater with a specific gravity of 1.035 to 1.040 for one minute. Any invertebrates including mantis shrimp, bristle worms, and crabs will quickly evacuate from the rock and into the bucket of water.
Remove the live rock from the bucket and sort through the invertebrates in the bucket. Determine those you want to add to your system and discard unwanted pests. Bristle worms still attached to the rock can be removed with a pair of needle-nosed pliers or tweezers. This technique can be used to remove unwanted pests before or after curing your newly arrived live rock.
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