Well i think i found the culprit of the holiday nutrient issues found an empty container of flakes that was over half full in the stand, now either the tank sitter fed this whole amount over the 30 day holiday ( god i hope not) or it accidentally dumped in ( and was to embarrassed to say ) it kind of explains all the issues and how only after 30 days seemed the tank now has nutrient issues Nitrate and P04 that was never a problem before leaving
So still working on getting stuff to pre holiday condition ,(funny last year took a 28 day trip and after 1 WC tank was sparkling like new )
So 2 days ago did a 70gallon water change , poor fish hardly had any water to swim in, and I'm planning on doing another 40 ish one tomorrow that should bring everything into manageable levels
Im still dosing vinegar I think 125ml per day and also doing Foz Down too
Is there a benefit to dosing vodka over vinegar ? Or just keep the course ? Does my dose of 125ml for around 150g water seem ok ? low ? high? Should i just keep upping it ?
For down and the WC are working good for the P04 its just the nitrates I'm worried about and I'm sure thats why the sps doesn't look as good ( ill get some Water tests done today see where I'm at post 50% WC