+1 for the Jebaos and -100 for the Tunzes!
Earlier this year I finally got sick of Tunzes crapping out too. Those suckers are expensive to repair/replace. For that cost I was able to get a pair of new Jebaos which worked great. If the Jebaos crap out in a year I'd still be ahead of the money game with a new pair.
I don't have any experience using third party controllers with them though, but never felt the need to try to control them with my Profilux as their controller worked great in wireless Master-Slave control mode. I have two at the overflow end of my tank that pulse and creates a nice 1.5" wave. If I had a lower waterline I would let them create a bigger wave but my water line is pretty low so the bigger wave ends up splashing against my euro-brace

They do create an amazing wave though. I started with the R-8s but decided to upgrade to the 15s just to get a little more flow.