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Old 12-28-2015, 03:15 PM
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lastlight lastlight is offline
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lastlight has a spectacular aura aboutlastlight has a spectacular aura aboutlastlight has a spectacular aura about

Agree about the lack of an original story. The kid in me totally ignored the nit-picky adult part of me and enjoyed the hell out of this movie. I seriously came out thinking it was the greatest thing ever. I never saw the originals in theatre so this (for me) was finally seeing a great star wars movie on the big screen.

I couldn't believe how quickly i latched onto the new characters. they've got a lot of developing to do but that's ok. I loved Kylo Ren and I think it's neat we get to see his evil potential but know that he's still a total noob and will grow. Who knows maybe Rey had training as a kid and was made to forget. Or maybe her potential is so great she has an advantage. Either way, she's obviously a skilled combatant and the lightsaber is just a tool like her staff she kicked ass with already.

Seeing it again with work on the 30th and my wife has also said she wants to go back for a date night.
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