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Old 12-27-2015, 01:57 PM
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Myka Myka is offline
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Originally Posted by dcw1sfu View Post
I went with the reef salt rather then the probiotic as I don't think the Probiotic salt would be good to keep pre-mixed in a brute can. And I've read of issues when performing larger volume water changes. I'll just add my own probiotics directly to the tank which I'm sure is the same products they add to their salt.
I do very large water changes 3-4 times per year around 50-75%. I asked on RC in the Aquaforest forum about doing this with the Probiotic Reef Salt, and if I should use the Reef Salt instead, and they just insisted that they do not recommend large water changes. Also, yeah you can't keep any type of probiotic salt mixing in a tub. I'm looking forward to eliminating a pre-mix tub.

Aquaforest also recommends use of such products like 15mm Siporax, which when used in a reactor with slow flow, you will create an anaerobic zone for your tank (like a controlled DSB). Some people use SeaChem Matrix, but lab tests by RC member "reefvet" concluded that Siporax was much more efficient. It's the same idea as MarinePure and Matrix, but apparently this Siporax stuff is easier to keep clean and more efficient at denitrification, and also provide a medium for PO4/NO3 reducing bacteria. I'm going to put mine into a PhosBan reactor.

For anyone looking, I was not able to find Siporax available anywhere in Canada. I found the cheapest (with shipping) overseas supply was eBay seller wttomy1 from Austria. I ordered 2L, and it was €6.90 per 1L Siporax, and about €20.00 for shipping. It worked out to CAD$52.41 on my CC in mid-October.

This is supposedly the most efficient way to use them (all lined up in a reactor).

Some people just dump them into a container in the sump.

A closeup.
~ Mindy

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Last edited by Myka; 12-27-2015 at 02:22 PM.
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