Originally Posted by Apo Reefer
J&L and Thomas (TN23) is running full T5s on their RSMs, I don't think it's flat at all. Two of the nicest SPS tanks I've ever seen. 
Yes, I guess it didn't cross my mind. I'll have to scrutinize it more next time I'm there.
Originally Posted by Apo Reefer
by the way that Giesemann MATRIXX T5 Fixture is sexy. 
Yeah, it's on the top off my list, based on that.
Originally Posted by Aquattro
Maybe flat is the wrong word. Just "static" maybe. I've always had shimmer from HM and didn't like my tank without it. Color was nice, but it didn't feel alive!
Heh, I get what you mean. I've only used MH and Led as my main lighting. Except for my freshwater days, but I can't remember that far back.