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Old 12-21-2015, 01:47 PM
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Originally Posted by daplatapus View Post
For personal and religious reasons I do not celebrate Christmas but totally understand that for many it is a very cherished time of year. But I am surprised at how many people are offended when I do not return the greeting but just say Thank You to their well wishes.
Really? I can't say I've ever felt anyone was offended. I read all the PC crap online, but never witnessed it in real life. Talking about this with my wife, who works in retail. They're required, and feel it's justifiable, to say happy holidays. Not everyone celebrates it and there many other festivities this time of year.

I say Merry Christmas, mostly because I have kids and for our family, it's Christmas time. But in no way would I ever be offended by someone not responding in kind. That's just ignorant.
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