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Old 12-19-2015, 11:38 PM
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Actually a few of us local reefers were talking about harvesting methods used to get live rock. One of the guys used to live in Indonesia and the locals where he lived at the time would walk out into the ocean grab, drag and lift the rocks then bring them to shore and use sledge hammers, drills, jack hammers and even explosives to break up big chunks of rock to sell to buyers as for them it was and still is an income for them. This alone is a huge negative impact on the ocean.

They do destroy huge chunks of the ocean floor to supply demand however practises are changing and many areas he said are going to sustainable methods and more and now more Salt water hobbyists are using existing rock from professional and home aquariums making the rocks harvested from the ocean less and less viable.

Also making natural rocks less viable even more is the creation of rocks tailored to your needs it is very expensive but more and more people are liking the idea of tailor made rocks over natural that is a positive impact on the ocean for sure
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