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Old 12-19-2015, 08:55 PM
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rsisvixen rsisvixen is offline
Join Date: Sep 2014
Location: Maple Ridge/BC
Posts: 244
rsisvixen is on a distinguished road

On the rock topic, I think that there is less and less of the 'live rock" taken out of the wild so to speak. We now have tons of other options available, aquacultured rock, man made rock etc. As hobbyists become more aware and educated wild rock will probably become a thing of the past in the hobby.
I myself do not have wild live rock in my tank.

My biggest pet peeve of the industry as a whole is the insistence of lfs's to keep getting in known hard to keep alive fish, moorish idols, orange spotted file fish etc. I don't mind if an expert reefer has done their research and wants to special order something, but getting in 10 or more in a shipment just to sell something "rare" is not right.
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