I see an overwhelming need to deflect in this thread. Instead of discussing, lots of "but look at that over there stuffs" . Ya, sharks and icebergs and deforestation and aliens all have impacts on reefs. THIS thread is about the reefing hobby and it's participants on reefs. Not global warming. Not raw sewage issues. Marine aquarium hobby impacts.
It's a good topic, no rights or wrongs, just throwing things out there. For me, the hobby is a bit selfish. I enjoy the tank as art in my house. Does that make me a bad person? Do I really care if someone thinks it does? Not really. But, I'm not going to pretend I don't have some impact, regardless of the size. And with all my reefing buddies around the globe, it's gotta count for something. Or maybe not? If the hobby never existed, would anything be different? Can't say it would or wouldn't. But thought it was a good topic for discussion instead of nothing.