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Old 12-19-2015, 03:49 PM
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Originally Posted by Reef Pilot View Post
And yeah, yeah, I know that is not a popular stance with you, as they are vendors which grant us the great privilege of being on this forum...
Oh c'mon, leave your politics out of this. I fully and whole-heartedly endorse buying from local hobbyists. It's the core of our hobby. 90% of my coral is locally sourced frags.

This is about our impact, as a hobbyist population globally. All the rock, all the salt, all the gear, the fish, the corals. etc. Not about deforestation, global warming, and all the other impacts that we do not directly control. This is about us keeping aquariums in our home and the direct impact that has when adding all of us up.
I'm not suggesting that there is a right or wrong answer, simply a topic for discussion and something to think about. Maybe change how we consume things after considering the impact.
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