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Old 12-14-2015, 03:13 PM
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Reef Supplies Reef Supplies is offline
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Exclamation Boxing Day @ Reef Supplies

Hello everyone,

That time of the year is almost here! We will not divulge what will be on sale, however, we will divulge what will NOT be on sale.

Ecotech and Neptune.

If you planned on purchasing anything Neptune or Ecotech NOW is the time. Do not wait till 2016.

Here is a list of what is in stock and ready to ship as of December 14.


Ecotech Marine Radion G3 LED Fixture
Ecotech Marine Radion G3 PRO LED Fixture
Ecotech Radion XR15 Pro Fixture
Ecotech Marine Vortech Battery Backup
Ecotech Marine Vortech MP10QD Quietdrive Pump
Ecotech Marine Vortech MP10wQD Quietdrive Pump
Ecotech Marine Vortech MP40wQD Quietdrive Pump
Ecotech ReefLink

Ecotech Marine Elements Coral Glue (295ml)
Ecotech Marine Elements Coral Glue (75ml)
Ecotech Marine MP10 Foam Cover (3-Pack)
EcoTech Marine MP20/MP40 Wet-Side Maintenance Kit
Ecotech Marine MP60 wet-side assembly
Ecotech Marine Nozzle for MP10ES Wet-Side (font cover)
Ecotech Marine Nozzle for MP40WES Wet-Side (font cover)
Ecotech Marine QuietDrive MP10 to MP10QD Driver Upgrade
Ecotech Marine QuietDrive MP40wES to MP40wQD Driver Upgrade
Ecotech Marine QuietDrive MP60wES to MP60wQD Upgrade
Ecotech Marine Radion LED system XR30w Hanging Kit
Ecotech Marine Radion LONG Rail Kit
Ecotech Marine Radion Plus One Long Rail Kit
Ecotech Marine Radion Plus One Short Rail Kit
Ecotech Marine Radion Short Rail Kit
Ecotech Marine Radion TIR Wide Angle Lens Kit - 120d
Ecotech Marine Radion XR30W TIR Lens Upgrade Kit
Ecotech Marine Replacement Power Supply for MP10
Ecotech Marine Replacement Power Supply for MP40
Ecotech Marine Vortech MP10ES driver
Ecotech Marine Vortech MP20/MP40 Foam Guard (3-pack)
Ecotech Marine Wet Frame for MP60 Wet-Side
Ecotech Marine Wet Frame with Axle for MP10
Ecotech Multi Light RMS - Arms
Ecotech Multi Light RMS - Track / Rail (choose size)
Ecotech Multi Light RMS - Xr15 Slide
Ecotech Multi Light RMS - Xr30 Slide
Ecotech Radion G1 Replacement FAN
Ecotech Radion Mounting System - RMS Radion XR15
Ecotech Radion Mounting System - RMS Radion XR30
Ecotech Vortech - Rotor for MP10 Wet-Side
Ecotech Vortech MP10 wet-side assembly (QD and ES)
Ecotech Vortech MP40 wet-side assembly (NEW QD)
Ecotech Vortech MP40QD Complete Dry Side
O-ring for MP20/40 Wet-Side - Ecotech Marine
Plastic Screw for MP20/40 Wet-Side - EcoTech Marine


Neptune Apex Gold
Neptune Apex Lab
Nepune Apex

Neptune WSK (WAV Starter Kit)
Neptune Advanced Leak Detection Low-Profile (under-carpet) Probe
Neptune Advanced Leak Detection Module (ALD)
Neptune Advanced Leak Detection Solid-Surface Probe
Neptune AI Wireless LED Control - AWM
Neptune Automatic Feeding System - AFS
Neptune Conductivity Calibration Solution (447 uS)
Neptune Conductivity Calibration Solution (53.0 mS)
Neptune Crossover Diet CD3 - 3oz (fish & coral food)
Neptune DDR – DŌS Dual Reservoir
Neptune DŌS Pump Head Cap
Neptune DŌS – Dosing and Fluid Metering System
Neptune Laboratory Grade Conductivity (Salinity) Probe
Neptune Laboratory Grade ORP Probe
Neptune Laboratory Grade PH Probe
Neptune Magnetic Probe Rack - MPR
Neptune PMK : PAR Monitoring Kit
Neptune Standard Grade ORP Probe
Neptune Standard Grade PH Probe
Neptune Systems 15' AquaBus Cable (Male/female)
Neptune Systems 15' AquaBus Cable (Male/Male)
Neptune Systems 2 Channel Apex to Light Dimming Cable
Neptune Systems 2 Channel Apex to Stream Cable
Neptune Systems 2 Moonlight LEDs for LSM
Neptune Systems 3 Moonlight LEDs for LSM
Neptune Systems 3' AquaBus Cable (Male/Male)
Neptune Systems 4 Moonlight LEDs for LSM
Neptune Systems 5 Moonlight LEDs for LSM
Neptune Systems 6' AquaBus Cable (Male/Male)
Neptune Systems Apex Display Module
Neptune Systems AquaBus Wireless Expansion Module (WXM)
Neptune Systems Dimmable Lunar LED Simulator module (LSM)
Neptune Systems Energy Bar EB8 (for Apex Controller)
Neptune Systems IO Breakout Box
Neptune Systems Pm1 AquaBus pH/ORP, Temperature Probe Module (PM1)
Neptune Systems PM2 AquaBus Conductivity, Temperature Probe Module (PM2)
Neptune Systems Temperature Probe For Apex Controllers
Neptune Systems Variable Speed/Dimming Module (VDM)
Neptune Tubing for DOS Dosing System

Please stay tuned for more boxing day announcements.



Last edited by Reef Supplies; 12-14-2015 at 03:16 PM.