Just a reminder that yesterday was officially the last day to order for this Group-ON. Unofficially if you still want to place an order get a hold of fragbox.ca (March) and see if you can still sneak an order in today.
Shipping Details
Since this order is so massive, March (fragbox) has decided to ship it via Westjet Cargo. This flight will arrive in Calgary around 4pm tomorrow (Tuesday), with the package available for pickup at the airport around 5pm. I will head up to the airport after work to go pick it up and drive it back to my place. Once I have the package everyone is welcome to come by to pick up their loot.
Alternately, if people want to come to the Wesetjet cargo facility at the airport to come grab their stuff that's fine too. It might be a bit chilly though, and if you're not their on time I would rather not wait there for people to show up. Waiting in the comfort of my warm home is more ideal.
If you are on this order, please PM me your contact information (email or cell#) and I will text you when your stuff will be available for pick up.