They're both still eating great, Mysis and pellets. Picking a bit at nori as well. Completed tank transfer and I'm currently treating them with prazipro. They are still fat and show no signs of any illness. The female is out most of the time. The male still hides but does cruise the tank both for food and when I'm not right on top staring them down or shinning a flashlight on them looking for any potential signs of illness.
Once the first treatment is done I will treat them one more time for 7 days. After that any suggestions on anything further? I am very tempted to add them to my tank around Christmas day. Since they are so large I am finding I have to dose prime to keep ammonia at bay (well only once so far). They are currently in a 80g with about 40 gallons of water in it. When I do the second dose of prazi I plan on doing a 50% water change and adding 40-45 gallons of water as well as adjusting the dosage for water volume obviously. I have been using water directly from my display tank for them so they are already acclimated to water conditions. I have also brought their water temp up from 73 to 77 to be in line with display tank.
It would also be nice but not essential to get them out of QT for boxing day. I do have several other tanks and don't really plan on loading up on fish but you never know what you're going to find..