Originally Posted by christyf5
Oh well, at least its a weekend and I don't have to call in "sick" to work 
Our power was out last Sunday from 8:30pm to 3:00am
Couldn't fall asleep; what to do if it's still out when I leave for work, what do I buy on the way home, what instructions do I leave for my 'thankfully she's home from work this Monday' wife ....
Needless to say but I only had about 3hrs sleep
The outage @ the end of Summer we were out for about 3hrs, but many others in my area were without power for
days, and we've all heard about the losses that time around
Now if I can figure out a way to have my battery backup airpump only run for 5 mins/hr I'd be set. Guess I'll have to look into how to build a 12v timer