So I have this gen 1 Gyre XF150. The cord cracked (common gen 1 issue). Waited WEEKS for an email reply to get a new motor block. Nothing. This is back in early November.
My LFS gets a motor block in by accident (they were supposed to send a 130 motor block for someone else, but sent a 150), so they took the serial number off mine, and that worked out. However, I get the new one and where the cord goes into the motor block the cord casing isn't inserted, so the wires inside are showing.
I'm kinda PO'd at this point so and I siliconed it last night.
I installed it this morning into the tank. I plug it in, red light, no action. Are you kidding me??? So I take it all apart, and put it back together following the directions just in case I missed something. I didn't. Put it back in tank. It starts up. Great! 10 seconds later, red light, no action.

*deep breaths*
I took it apart and put it back together 3 times. If I stick a skewer in there (with it off) and move the blades, then turn it back on, I can get it running again, but it stops just the same. It will run for about 10 seconds, then it catches a few times, then jams up, and stops spinning. I took it off pulse, and still can't keep it going.
I'm about to lose my mind over this. Any ideas??? Is it from water get in to the bare wires where I siliconed it (it's not a perfect seal)???