F/S zoas , palys , and sps (YYC)
I have a whole bunch of frags of rastas and ultimate rasras ranging from 1 polyp to 10 polyps $10 per polyp also have some smaller polyps $5 per polyp
1 frag of Captain America palys 4 polyps $25
6 frags of Idaho grape purple montipora $10 for smaller frag approx 1-2 inch , and $20 for larger ones . Also 1 frag of green with purple rim Monti $20 approx 2 inches
1 frag of red dragon acro 1 inch tall with lots of branches $40
2 pieces of montipora confusa $10 for smaller piece and $40 for small colony
Text me for pics and quick reply thanks
Jerry 403-827-9221