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Old 12-03-2015, 02:55 AM
_Adrian_ _Adrian_ is offline
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Location: Leduc, AB
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Originally Posted by daplatapus View Post
Pump. Connector from controller has 3 pins



sorry, no gut shots of the pump. I can get at the impeller but thats it. Pretty sure it'll all be encased in epoxy inside anyway...
Ill buy those off you if you have given up on them

I have a project on the horizon that involves DUAL high current BLDC controller with integrated I2C control

I understand the need of these manufacturers to "compact" these units to make it easier to hide, however my issue is with lack of cooling which in the end reduces overall life of the unit. My idea always been over engineer it and make sure that the unit can drive 5 to 10 times its normal workload.

Would you not pay more money to know your never have to upgrade another controller ??
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