Thread: Upgrade time !
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Old 11-30-2015, 03:19 AM
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Craigdillman Craigdillman is offline
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Update and advise time,

Heyya well we are back from our 30 day holiday with my wife backpacking and diving through Indonesia (Dive Video and pictures to follow some pic stuff!)

Left our tank with a friend who lived in our house and took care of the dog and looked after the tank (filling the ATO and feeding frozen and nori) , also had my reefer brother stop by once a week to double check ( empty skimmer, filter socks..) as the friend isn't a reefer at all ..

Well despite what all COULD have gone wrong I'm pretty thankful that what I'm reporting is more annoyances than chaos

1) One of my bubble tips decided to move and sit on the monti in the middle of the tank and stung it to death ( bro found it end of last week said it was to late to try to move it ..o well nothing to be done there

2) Lost my copper band butterfly, 4 days into the trip ? (didn't tell us till we retuned good house keeper i guess making us not worry ) not sure why maybe didn't feed as often or as much as me, really weird, That Hit home my favourite fish and i QT him a week long than all the other in that batch to double triple check he was eating good and he was so healthy and ate like a pig no idea why

3) During the last week got a patch of cyano over the right side of the rock structure which it totally random, covered 4 of my sps frags and by the time i got home they where all dead , That sucks had some cool ones there kinda mad about that

Anyway Nothing broke, overflowed, got stuck on, jumped out, or plugged.
Doser ran out of vinegar/foz down in the last week and got unplugged not refilled too hard to explain that over crappy indonesian wifi lol

Did a 35 gallon WC within first couple days back

Tank doesn't look to bad actually some of the sps doesn't look as extended but colors are good LPS looks great, Bubble tips thriving (stupid stingers)

Today tested the Water today ....Barf.. here goes

P04 -74 hanna - 0.21 bad was 0.05 prior to leaving
Nitrates - Red like 50ppm probably closer to 60 gross
Alk- 7.5 dkH
Calcium- 400ppm
Mag- 900 really low
Salinity 1.026 perfect still
Temp 81

So my plan of attack now that the cyano is spreading ( probably loving all the nutrients and lack of carbon dosing as it suddenly stopped )

Plan was to use chemi-clean for the cyano go threw that process than run carbon and do a 50% water change I'm making 75ish gallons of water going to start heating it tomorrow

From there I can slowly start to dose the vinegar again and work on correcting the mag and P04

What you guys think?

Also wondering about dosing vodka and vinegar ? Any advantage to doing both or one or the other ?

Thanks ill post some pictures ( and I'm working on the dive video as we speak )

Current tank---125 gallon mixed reef 60 gallon sump, Reef octopus nw200 skimmer, Rapid LEDs, Maxspec gyre, Mp10s, Fuge, Biweekly 20% WC, QT everything
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