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Old 11-28-2015, 09:53 PM
Roskoreef Roskoreef is offline
Join Date: Sep 2014
Location: Calgary,AB
Posts: 476
Roskoreef is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by kien View Post
You don't have to suspect that you have red bugs, you can easily find out. I know you have a decent DSLR, you can use that to take some macros of your colonies. Zooming in will reveal the red bugs. Sometimes you can even see them without zooming in ! Tiny red specs on your colonies. Yes, I speak from experience.

And in my past experience, NO vet would ever give me interceptor. I tried LOTS. Even exotic pet vets in Calgary. They all turned me away. If I recall correctly you need(ed) a prescription (for your dog) for interceptor, so for you to walk in and ask for it for your fish tank is probably not kosher with that. I don't blame them, they are doctors after all.

I ended up obtaining interceptor from a friend who owned a dog. That's probably your best bet if they still sell interceptor. There are supposedly natural possibilities like pipefish.

When I had red bugs I had it for a long time and as Mindy said, it never caused STN in my colonies. It took me a long long time to find interceptor so just lived with it for a while and it was fine, I think. Just in case, I recommend setting up a prayer reactor.
Well that was actually sort of fun, now all i want is a full frame camera and a better macro lens....dammit.

Got some ok shots of these pests, also some other creatures aswell! they seem to be the stn clean up crew so far...these purple little bugs are nesting at the bases of frags and colonies but none on healthy corals.

they could also be demons from hell...hopefully i can get some form of milbemycin oxime soon, greatful for these forums, have a few leads..setting up a prayer reactor tonight, did my research and i am certain the technology is solid. oooh look eggs!

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