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Old 11-26-2015, 04:07 PM
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Myka Myka is offline
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Location: Saskatoon, SK.
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Hey, so I've been looking into this a bit more myself, and found some people saying that the LC "cloud" will come out of a 10 micron sock, but will not come out of a 1 micron sock.

A tee on the return could supply flow for a sock like this. Maybe hang the sock off the ball valve (if it's in the right place). Then the sock has to be removed before it clogs and starts to overflow (a couple hours?). Another thought I had was to drip the LC into the emergency pipe of a Herbie drain, and as long as you have a bit of water going through there it should do the trick. You can water down the LC too so that it's not as concentrated for each drop. Lots of diferent ways to get it done, but it seems like 1 micron sock is what you need. I found a couple (expensive) options on and a bunch of much cheaper options on Maybe you could find something locally and start carrying them???

Oh, and watch your alkalinity because most of what precipitates is Lanthanum carbonate (as per Randy Holmes-Farley).
~ Mindy

SPS fanatic.

Last edited by Myka; 11-26-2015 at 04:12 PM.
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