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Old 11-14-2015, 02:59 PM
rayjay rayjay is offline
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: London, Ontario
Posts: 340
rayjay is on a distinguished road

No, I didn't state that pH measures salts, I stated that the pH reading was dependent on the salts being present. As the RO/DI process removes the salts, without the salts there is no buffering to assist a reading. I didn't state this last part but thought it only necessary to state the salts were needed to get the accurate reading.
The LACK of buffering capacity is BECAUSE the salts are no longer there in the treated water.
I never said that Randy was saying pH measures salts either.
I also know about the gassing of CO2.
As for why I don't have pH measurement tools and other automated devices, I started the hobby many many years ago when these things were not available to us here in the hobby, and as I never found a need for it, I never bothered wasting my money on it as things worked out fine without.
I still have no need of these devices in any of my tanks even though I now only have seahorses.
At my age and in my condition I've had to drop all the reef tanks and stuck with my newer passion, being physically unable to keep up everything.
Please show me where I said that "measuring salts is inaccurate".
Possibly you misread what I actually said?
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