Originally Posted by daplatapus
Myka, when the controller dies, everything dies 
Fishy,Fishy: I was under the impression (when they first came out) that Waveline were the top of the line. These are definitely NOT Jabeo pumps.
Well that's lame. I didn't read all that other thread. Wouldn't there be a fairly easy way to just go around the controller and use it as an on/off pump? Or, could you buy a controller from a different pump (they have replacements I think for other brands, don't they?) and integrate it?
Everyone thought the Waveline pumps were top of the line until the big players released DC pumps that were in the $500+ range and we realized that the Waveline is a cheaper model (and performs as such). Not as cheap as the Jebao, but it may as well be with all the failures.