Originally Posted by maron6977
Well, adding the fish with ich was one of the worst things I've done since starting this hobby 10yrs ago. It started off not too bad , then ramped up drastically over the next week . My tangs all had it bad & triggers . Tried Medic , garlic & fired up UV it seemed to help , but after another week the rest of the fish were getting it pretty bad . So it's been 3 weeks , tangs & triggers are looking pretty good . But a lot of the smaller fish have started dying off . Figure I've lost at least 10 ! And , oh Ya , power blue died after first week . Ich wasn't too bad but just wouldn't eat.
I remember having ich a couple times over my history & was never this bad .
On the flip side , everything else looks pretty good , considering .
So sorry to hear that. It sounds like you put up a good fight trying to save them, and thank you for sharing your experience so honestly. If you don't have/can't setup a QT, maybe the LFS you purchase fish from will hold them for you in a medicated QT tank. This isn't ideal, but still another line of defence.