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Old 10-29-2015, 09:17 PM
Ginu Ginu is offline
Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: North Vancouver
Posts: 369
Ginu is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Bblinks View Post
Call me or Jess if you need help bud.
I talk to Jess at least a few times a week... and cant figure out what is up with a few of my acros, i dont know what else could be causing the issues at the moment... I think next step is to cross my water samples with someone else test kits.

Here is the history of the tank which ****ed off some of my sps (already lost a few)

Had FW so moved all the sps to a QT tank which went OK, except i had a alk spike from 7-12 - fel asleep and forgot the Alk pump on..

SPS started to look worse by the day so decided to cut the QT period short and move them back to the DT. Most sps did OK and recovered or still recovering except for a handful which either died or still expelling zooanthele, I'm guessing this is due to the very low nutrients which I run in the tank... I still cant get any nitrates or phosphates in the tank no matter how much I feed
Casual reefer
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