Thread: Alien Reef
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Old 10-29-2015, 05:35 PM
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Originally Posted by TripleT View Post
Also, my conspiracy theory generator says: big business may horde these new discoveries to keep the cancer, MS or whatever cure may be found in the name of profit or population control.
My rant for the day...
This thread will get derailed extremely quickly.

The conspiracy theorists' argument that big business/pharma is suppressing cures for diseases, particularly cancer, is so contradictory. Look at it from the point of view that there is more money to be made from the cure than what is being put into research. Take it a step further and there is also a lot at stake for the individual labs/researchers. Wouldn't you love to have your name associated with the "cure"? Sometimes, people need to step away from the tin foil.

My brother is a Yale professor/researcher in the cancer field, and I can assure you that there is no suppression of the cure.
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