Originally Posted by Skimmer Juice
wow new scape looks great , what fixture would you prefer now that you have used the Kessil ?
For clean up crew for that tank I would recommend some Halloween hermits , nice color and great cleaners very underrated IMO.
Thanks! I'm really happy with the rescape. I haven't had the Kessil for long but so far I really like it. The only down side to it so far is a lack of a moonlight. I'm going to look into Halloween hermits. They sounds great and it's the perfect time of year.
Originally Posted by miuYH
Can you please do a post on your other corner? I want to see your details on your plants!!!   pleaseeeeeeeee 
I took a quick snap. Here you go.
The one in the yellow pot is a coffee plant that I've had for a few years.. the rest is a pretty random assortment of things that I've picked up. The white rectangle one is a succulent garden. The big one on the left you can't see well is a big pitcher plant. Very cool plant.