Originally Posted by christyf5
Cool idea but yeah you'll definitely have to be watching it. I wouldn't say daily but if left for say a week it might clog. I run a doser too and my "maintenance" isn't quite as tight as it used to be. The alk line plugs fairly often. I have my phone to send me a message to clean it at least monthly and so far so good. That being said it doses once daily of each solution and all at once, then the stuff sits in the line until the next dosing.
BTW, thats a great looking little tank! Nice work! 
Thanks for the compliment - I'm sure I'm not alone in wishing I could get a photo that captured the true colours and textures in there. Maybe using a camera instead of my iPad or phone would make a difference. I can spend an hour sitting in front of it, geeking out with my magnifying glass until the wee hours.
You mention the chemical dosing solution sitting in the line when using a doser - maybe clogging won't be much of a problem for me because the line is rinsed and then I blow it out to remove water. I use a bulb syringe from the drugstore (meant to clean ears) to do that, works like a charm.
But I expect at some point the tube will rupture or crack because of being flattened by the check wheel on the drip adjustment. I've been moving it to different positions along the tube to delay this.