Thread: Greg's 75g
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Old 10-16-2015, 01:59 PM
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Originally Posted by gregzz4 View Post
Thanks D but regrettably I haven't done enough work in the tank lately.
You can see the cyano on the rocks if you look closely enough at the pics
Dammed thing is I had it beat for a very long time.
I started using MB7 awhile back as an experiment to deal with algae and, as has happened to some others, it brought on the cyano. So I quit using it a couple weeks ago and now will have to pay the price for it.

Curse you Walter
Are you sure that is cyano on the rocks? The kind I used to get (many years ago) would be on the sand and just fluff off with a turkey baster. But there is also red algae that sticks hard to rocks and needs a toothbrush to remove (and even that isn't easy).

But if you do have cyano, am sure it was not caused by the MB7. On the contrary, it helps prevent cyano by seeding bacteria that out competes cyano. Of course you need to dose it correctly and be sure your MB7 is not "dead". I keep mine in the fridge. Also, it is NOT a cure (ie does not kill cyano), for that you need Chemiclean.

As you know, I have not had a cyano problem in my tank for almost 5 years now, since I started the MB7 regime. Before that it kept coming back and driving me nuts. The reason I am so certain it works, is that at the beginning I would occasionally see signs of it showing up again, and just increased the dosage again (and cleaned up the fluff) for a while and it would not reappear. And have been able to stay with the low dosage (1/2 the low dosage instruction amount) for many years now with never a problem.

So without knowing more about all your tank details (incl everything you dose and how much), I certainly can't explain what happened in your tank.

But aside from all that, Greg, your tank is looking very good to me. Very nice pics.
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