It's kind of one of those when I am so board I almost wish I was at work any way I need something to do so here I am bumping my thread.
I am sure I am not the only one here who has wanted to put new flooring in but has a few thousands of reef in the way. I have been debating how to deal with this for over a year.We wanted to put hard wood floors but this damn tank isn't going anywhere.
I decided that it would be to much work to take it down and set it up so I had the floor built around the tank. It far from perfect but when I put a moulding at the base of the stand and around the back of the stand no one will know but me.


You can see how I had a small leak that stained the sub floor hopeful that will be the last one.

Here is a few top downs







This one will be going to a canreef auction soon.


Every thing is grow fast some to fast. I am regretting ever getting a monti it looks nice but its growth is just to fast . I am constantly breaking off pieces and scraping away at it. I think I will be removing it and a few other weeds to make room for some more desirable acros. I am also thinking of adding some more live rock possibly a large shelf in the middle of the tanks for more sps.