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Old 10-08-2015, 12:07 AM
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Sidius Sidius is offline
Join Date: Oct 2014
Location: Langley, BC
Posts: 67
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In the spirit of burning out all you wonderful people offering me advice, I'll ask another qestion. This time it's regarding the closed loop system I was planning.

Myka mentioned using nozzles instead of spray bars. I'm open to lots of ideas so maybe you could elaborate? Keep in mind that my glass tank is Aqueon and the bottom pane is tempered glass (According to their website) so I won't be able to drill that. My idea was to make spray bars using PVC and then pile rocks on top of them. I'd drill two separate holes, 1 for each spray bar, because I want two rock piles separated by sand and I don't want to see the bars (of course). I got the idea from another reefer somewhere that came up with the idea for trying to keep things from settling under the rocks. I'm not completely sold that it will achieve what I want it to do, it just seemed like a great idea in theory. Nozzles could work great as an alternative. I would also like to add 4x outlets with nozzles on a 4-way wave maker alternating current. Essentially it will have 6x 1" outlets with 4 being active at any given time. Will the Reeflo barracuda/hammerhead hybrid be insane overkill for this? It's rated at between 4300 and 6000 gph depending on what impeller you use (this rating is with 0 head loss). Keep in mind that I really like the maxspect gyre's and plan to run 2 of them alternating as well (one at each end of the tank for alternating waves/current). I figure, the more I can keep detritus/nutrients suspended the more will be removed from my tank in the sump. I love the flow patterns that the Gyre's create.

Last edited by Sidius; 10-08-2015 at 12:21 AM.
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