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Old 10-07-2015, 07:45 PM
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Sidius Sidius is offline
Join Date: Oct 2014
Location: Langley, BC
Posts: 67
Sidius is on a distinguished road

The plan I was thinking of using for the auto-water change was to use a 29g tank (I already have one in a closet unused) that I would fill with saltwater. Using the Apex and DOS I would set up a daily water change to swap out 1-2 gallons of water at a certain time. At 2 gallons per day it would last me 14 days before I had to replenish the water reservoir. I would then mix up more saltwater and add it back in myself (likely using a pump like you described). That would have to be done manually because like I mentioned in the last post, unfortunately I don't have anywhere to store large tubs or garbage cans for water. I was also planning to setup a float switch to remind me when the water change reservoir was getting low. The cabinets that I'm picking up is my attempt at adding some storage but at best all I can fit is a 30ish" wide storage cabinet on either end of the tank and it has to "look pretty" or my wife will not be happy with me. That means nothing left out in the open, nothing left unfinished looking or out of place, etc.
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