Wow! What a busy month! I'm kinda upset with myself I didn't continue to share my creation. Checked parameters today

PH 8.1
SG 1.024
Ca 375
Mg 1440
Alk 11 dKH
PO4 slight - added Phoz Buster
NO3 0
Last water change was about a week ago. Have added a few more inhabitants slowly throughout the month. These include the usual cleaners; crabs, snails, cleaner and peppermint shrimp. Green chromis, bangai cardinal, bicolor blenny, yellow tang because They are gorgeous! Have a few corals that have been added as well (highlight of having a marine tank) torch coral; which is doing 100x better once he got moved, I think it's branching! Pulsing xenia; love it's little fingers. Monti cap; having a hard time finding it's sweet spot. I think it was getting kinda bleached so it was moved lower and somewhat shady. Neon candy cane, glows in my lights. Zoas! Love zoas! So many choices I want them all lol! And a pink birdsnest. I like the spiky - ness. I think it's really happy, has a very vibrant pink color. And of course, toadstool leather. Hopefully I'll be able to upload some pics tomorrow when the lights are on

thanks for caring guys!