I have a really beautiful Potter's Angelfish I'm looking to get rid of... Recently, he's been chasing my other fish, and while the chasing does not look aggressive in nature, I'd rather remove him than risk it.
He is healthy, curious, a voracious eater, and has vibrant color. He takes Algae from a Clip, and at times will eat from your hand. He's been kept with LPS Corals and Clams for over 2 years and does not Nip.
I'd recommend a fair size tank (atleast 65g), with only a few non-aggressive fish.
Looks like this picture, except with more purple in the tail. and more seductive lips :P

(picture borrowed from Marinecenter.com)
If you'd be interested in trading or buying this fish, please let me know. preference will be given to someone I KNOW will give this fish a good home.
Local only.