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Old 10-04-2015, 12:10 AM
governor governor is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2013
Location: calgary
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governor is on a distinguished road
Default Sps frags and mushrooms for sale (yyc)

1 - 2 bubble gum millipora $20
2- 3 crayola plana $20
3 - 1 pink setosa $25
4 - 1 large montipora confusa $20
5 - 2 purple with blue tip stag $20 for large $10 for smaller
6 - 1 joe the coral $20
7 - 7 green rhodactis mushrooms $5 each
8- 8 superman discosoma mushrooms $10 each
9- 2 orange crush rhodactis mushrooms $15 each

Willing to trade for other corals

Text me for pics plz as I can't get pics uploaded thanks
Jerry 403-827-9221
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