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Old 09-24-2015, 05:18 PM
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Default LF: Tank stand or cabinet thing with 4ft by 2ft ish footprint - GVRD

Looking for some kind of cabinet or stand of sorts, with a solid top and ideally doors.... with a 4ft by 2ft footprint. An inch or 2 larger would probably be ideal...

This will not be for an actual fish tank. So it doesn't have to be super sturdy or anything too special
I'm looking for a stand of sorts to put my snakes new house on, which has a 4x2 footprint. With room to store all my fish crap under it. With doors so the cats and dogs stay out of my stuff.

I wont be in town until the end of October but figured I would start looking now. Getting something from somebody else is way easier then trying to get my dad to make something sooooo lets see what you have LOL

PM me with what you have? photos? price?
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