Originally Posted by RKLion
Hi everyone...As some of you know I have a wholesale farming business that for several years has been supplying corals to many of the vendors you have come to love and is now venturing into retail. We have supplied Canada's Coral Auction House with corals. The Montipora picture in question was used with permission after they purchased the coral. Further more they are passionate hobbyists who love reefing 
Hi RK, their passion for the hobby is not being questioned but how they sell is. They have a tendancy of using the same pic over and over again. In many cases this would be considered "false advertising", no? Sure, their pictures are saturated to the extreme but the coral received by the buyer should at least have resemblance in terms of shape etc... There has been many requests for actual pictures of the corals and the admins seems to be able to successfully fail well at this by either deleting the post or simply ignoring it. They have written the rules in how everyone should be conducting themselves, perhaps they should set an example and follow these rules.
ATI 48" 3x75W LED with 8x54W T5, 2xTunze 6105, 2 x Maxspect Gyre XF150, Bubble King Mini 200 ( soon to be replaced by a Bubble King SM 200), Eheim 1262, Via Aqua 300 watt Titanium heater, JBJ ATO, Apex Controller