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Old 09-13-2015, 12:30 AM
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rsisvixen rsisvixen is offline
Join Date: Sep 2014
Location: Maple Ridge/BC
Posts: 244
rsisvixen is on a distinguished road

1 year update

Well its now a year since I started her up, still a long way to go but getting there slow and steady.

Current fish:

1 Bicolour blenny
1 Mandarin
3 Bangaii cardinals ( 2 have paired off and the third hangs out alone)
4 Zebra dartfish ( tons of personality and eat like pigs )
2 clowns ( 1 wyoming white, 1 snowflake currently in QT )


4 types of zoas, most have added new polyps since I got them.
There were 5, but my space monster got beamed up somewhere along the line as it came off its plug and vanished.

Red macroalgae has taken over a portion of my rocks, but adds a really nice deep red to the tank, hopefully a future tang will keep it managed.

here is a pic of the tank

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