Thread: FS: anemone
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Old 09-07-2015, 10:10 PM
The Guy The Guy is offline
busy with fresh water.
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Originally Posted by FWC View Post
Judging by his location, he most likely just collected them out of the ocean, as there are limited few suppliers that sell them, most of them only dealing with public aquariums as well.

Also a few weeks is nothing. They can and will survive for a while, possibly even several months, however they will die a wasteful death due to the warm water, and that is a guarantee.

FWIW, we also keep this species where I work, so I am quite familiar with the species, and not just talking out of my rear.
Not sure it's a good idea to go down that slippery slope guys!
Hey! I never "LEFT" the hobby, just doing fresh water now. Which is still listed as part of Canreef if I'm not mistaken.
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