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Old 09-07-2015, 06:57 AM
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Bobothemonk Bobothemonk is offline
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I run aquasafe and im happy with it.

If the membrane is done it will not allow as much water thru it. Also the part of the membrane allowing flow will damage allowing stuff thru. Less flow + more TDS = membrane shot.

You know pre filters are good, take out membrane and run system to check that the resin flow is good. If flow still sucks then put membrane back in and disconnect resin and run. Compare the flow and determine which (maybe both) you need to replace. Membrane being messed might have let stuff into the resin and that may also need to be replaced.

If you have a couple of buckets run the waste into a bucket and the good into another bucket to measure your waste to good water ratio. Take some guess work out of the picture.

But from sounds of it you simply need new membrane and if your using for everyday drinking water you have alot of use there. Maybe your water isnt as good added with high use means you need to stick to new membranes once a year to keep system running at peak performance.
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