It all depends on which room I will be able to commandeer...

Also, it depends on when my grown children are going to move out. For the second time!

As this would free up two rooms in the house and my wife could move her sewing room back to her sewing room This timeline will give me enough planning time to collect all parts. Only problem is that I have no room to store anything right now, the basement is full of furniture and boxes.
Am I correct in planning a 30g sump for a 90g tank? Or is that too small?
Initially, the sump was going to be part of the refugium, however, I like the idea of a separate sump external from the aquarium and stand.
The refugium will be in the stand.
I'm thinking that this will give me the external access to add reactors and qtank at a later date. (if needed)
Enough rambling for now!