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Old 08-31-2015, 06:50 PM
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vanreefer vanreefer is offline
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Originally Posted by piusma View Post
I have always wanted to ask, do I have to worry about them getting eaten by my fish? I have a couple of Aptiasia in my nano but I don't want to make it an expensive dinner. Also not sure what to do to it if it finished eating the existing aptiasia in the tank. Please educate me. Thanks.
It is possible that a fish could harm a berghia enough that it would die but I am not aware of any fish that eat them. The berghia take on the stinging properties of the Aptasia when they consume them so any thing that bites them will likely let go immediately. Like most nudibranches The berghia have a specialized diet and only eat aptasia once the aptasia is gone they die off. You could find them (tho almost impossible) and give them to another another reefer.
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