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Old 08-31-2015, 05:42 PM
gobytron gobytron is offline
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Originally Posted by Vancity View Post
If I was gonna buy a generator for back up power once a year or less I'd go with propane. With the unleaded/ethanol gas we use nowadays odds of having moisture or gum in the carb a year later when you really need it is highly likely. Not sure of the price difference but just something to look into

I feel really sorry to those without power for so long and casualties. I hope all works out for you guys and gals
I have imported and sold propane generators....they are quite common.

We use one for back up at our office/warehouse.

They are the best if you don't want to prep your generator before putting it away.

I need to empty and clean my 1200 watt 2 stroke gen every time I put it away.
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