Hurroh power back in Poco.
Temps in the low 70s or something "The green area" yeah that tells me lots....
Only 1 fish missing so far, but the melanus wrasse likes to hide anyway so I'm sure he's fine. Think the goldfish and tropical made it all right.
Corals seems to do okay as well. Was worried they would all expand with a lack of flow and slime up and sting each other and what not... appearently all was fine.
I've got some battery powered airpumps on order from Aliexpress. Still cheaper them petsmart and if I have a few extras it cant hurt....
Cheapest ones were just under $5, will test that out to see how it works in comparison, the Top Fin petsmart lookalike is $7 or so, I imagine it probably is the topfin one with out the logo...
I'm still searching for a good computer battery backup to run the powerhead incase the power goes out while my familys at work or asleep.
And I think this has been a kick in the ass for my dad as my moms been telling him for years to get a real generator for the fridge and what not.