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Old 08-30-2015, 10:47 PM
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Coasting Coasting is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: BC - PoCo
Posts: 677
Coasting is on a distinguished road

Our area in poco was usually untouched when others had issues.
But i have never seen bchydro take this long to get power back.
The backups i had in place are failing because its been too long. They werent designed to last days....
They havent even bothered to remove the tree from the lines in the area....
If the worlds ending thats 1 thing but this is ridiculous...
I just watched 6 hydro trucks all pull in behind the building next to where i work here so they can go for coffee and the public wont notice.... their hiding!
I work on the island while my parents manage my tanks for me.... so im kind of screwed sitting here hoping the fish survive and i cant even be there to stay up all night stiring the tanks.
Stores were sold out of battery airpumps so fast this morning.
Im pretty sure the gas stations are still toast in the area. We dont own a gas generator and familys we can borrow wont run much with stuff in the fridge and freezer warming up....
Foods going bad. Fish are gonna die. Yippee!

Last edited by Coasting; 08-30-2015 at 10:49 PM.
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