Top ten ... hmmm that's a toughie.
Sharks would have to be on my list. I've never had a tank large enough for one though, but one day I'd like to change that. So let's say "banded cat" and "epaulette" are on my list for sure.
Tangs of course would be on the list. Red Sea sailfins, Red Sea Sohals, Naso tangs..
I'll always have a soft spot for clownfish .. "Percularis" and skunks come to mind..
Dragonets are way cool. All kinds (there are a lot of them, too).
Angels and pygmy angels ... flames, potters, .....
Blennies for the spunky personalities
And wrasses are exquisite. Fairy wrasses are among my favourites ...
That's probably more than ten .. does the list have to be restricted to SW? I have to say that clown loaches and butterfly loaches, and gourami's come to mind. And tetra's ... and ... and ...
... Yup, definitely a tough one!!