Just got back from a vacation in San Francisco

Back to the build! I have had a busy week...
Pulled off all the old silicone for the reseal; definately not a fun time. Even with the masking tape seam trick I still had a mess to clean up. I think my problem was caused by having too thick of a bead of the silicone so when I removed the tape immediately after, so it kinda glob bed outward. Oh well, it looks good enough not to have to redo it again lol!
No luck on finding a replacement trim, but picked up a few pieces of glass for a euro brace instead. $20 for 3 pieces 8mm 3x12" didn't think it was too bad of a deal, Woulda been about $50 for the plastic stuff so I think I scored.
Had the stand already that the skin was half completed so I have been working on that for the last few days and now it's finally complete! Pretty nice, dark cherry wood panels complete with a hood. Can't stand the light escaping from the sides and blinding me through the corner of my eye.
Good grief! I was so mistaken on the amount of time it takes to make RODI water! Took days to fill a brute container, and after all that, I still only have 25 gallons in the tank

on the bright side of that, and least not I have 5 gallon graduation marks written on the side of the tank, should make water changes more accurate and precise.
That's all I have for now folks! Hopefully tomorrow I'll have enough water for the rest of the tank and be able to mix my salt and get my rocks organized and in the tank!