Originally Posted by wes_22
Thank for your feedback guys!!!
Some updates and where i got some problems.
1. After cycle end i put clean up crew (Blue Leg Hermit Crabs, Red Scarlet Hermit Crabs, Turbo Snails and Nassarius Snails) before i put them i check my water parameters and it was good.
2. after one week since i put cleanup crew i have add a pair clown, water parameters was also good.
So for one week clowns and clean up crew was doing good till last week clowns suddenly was covered with white spots. it happened right on next day when i did 5% water change. I have tried to treat them from ICK but with no luck 
Clean up crew doing good but i have lost clowns
Not sure why this happened, could it be that introduced when i changed water?
Im not ready to put new fish any time soon until i figure out what happened and make sure it safe to put new fish.
Sorry to hear about the clowns. Losing fish happens to the best of us, even when all parameters are fine.

Don't think it was due to the small water change though, assuming you observed good husbandry and didn't add allow any foreign substances into the tank.
If the white spots were indeed ich (a visible symptom), then leaving the tank fish-less for 72 days is the usual answer. A large water change wouldn't hurt either.
Ich isn't a fast killer though, so if the white spots showed up and the clowns kicked the bucket the next day, it might be something more sinister like velvet or something.
Let us know how it turns out. The tank looks fantastic, by the way, I considered a Reefer 450 before deciding on a custom. I got some LPS and softie frags if you want some good easy corals.