I love the Okanagan! So nice to sit of the balcony after a day at the beach enjoy the view and have a glass of wine.

I have been lucky this summer to get away a few times. I always get a lot of anxiety about leaving the tank though. I mean what can go wrong?? I run a apex so if I can get wifi I will check the temp make sure the pumps are running etc, etc for the most part it's a big leap of faith when we go away.
This year my late mother inlaw bought my wife and I a security camera system for our home, so when we going away I set a camera up on the Tank. It has given me some piece of mind to be able to check in and see the tank running. I have huge fear of the hole thing exploding when I am away.
After a nice day at the beach and a great dinner I checked the tank on my phone app " time and date is wrong it should be 8 00 pm aug 18 "
AHH piece of mind all is good in reef land

After a nice restful night what is the first thing a reef geek would do in the morning? Well check to make sure all is well in reef land of course.

" Time should be 10 00 am "

OMG WTH the tank light should be on by this time and there is no water movement. I got on the laptop to see if I could log on to the Apex and it was dead. I feared the worst everything that could go wrong has and I am a four hour drive away.
I had not choice but to hop in the truck and drive home. It was a long drive home to say the least. I have only had the breaker go on the gfi outlet once over the last few years and it was from a faulty heater. The good news was I could see that the fish were still swimming but for how long ? I had no idea when the power was lost not being sure how long the fish would last was stressful to say the least .
After travelling 381 kilometres I arrived home to find a still aquarium but all the inhabitants were breathing, breathing very rapidly but sill alive. What caused the breaker to go was a overflowing skimmer that created bubbles to reach up the a power bar in the sump. Note power bar in sump bad Idea.
I consider my self lucky very luck I dogged another bullet It could have been much much worse. We all play with water and electricity and no mater how many precautions we take it never seems like enough. Nothing like driving eight hours in one day. It gave me lots of time to re think my sump I will be ordering a safer one soon It was millimetres away from overflowing.
Thank you to Marie for buying us the camera RIP.